It is indeed a rather particular assembly which was created in Neuchâtel at the request of the Council of State.
The public providers of training for adults gather under the same roof, the CEFNA; behind this given abbreviation is hidden the name for the "Centre de Formation Neuchâtelois pour Adultes". In this task, the Chief of the cantonal commission of the continuing education is assisted by a committee gathering the directors of different given organs: the "Centre professionnel du Littoral neuchâtelois" (CPLN), "Centre interrégional de formation des Montagnes neuchâteloises" (CIFOM), "Centre cantonal de formation professionnelle des métiers du bâtiment" (CPMB) and the "Centre neuchâtelois d'intégration professionnelle" (CNIP).
All these centers pursue three main goals that one can, according to the talks of the Chief of the service of Neuchâtel of the vocational training and secondary schools, Jacques-André Marie, thus summarize: suggest a continuing education coordinated and spread all over the territory; set up a unique organizational structure and go, the enterprises, from one structure offering courses to a politics of answers to specific demands.
This service also addresses itself to three target audiences: the population of Neuchâtel who would wish to acquire additional aptitudes or qualifications; the enterprises which can benefit from CEFNA for the development of the competencies of their personal staff; finally, the people reinserting the active life willing to find employment in an enterprise.