2010, according to electronics manufacturers, will be the year of the rebound. After the decreasing sales due to the economic crisis, they hope to see better days thanks to the development of emerging economies and the evolution of the material they produce.
Shawn Dubravac, analyst, foresees a better future: "This year will be the year of reconstruction." A study involving 450'000 shop-owners in 114 countries claims that electronics will generate 681 billion dollars in 2010, as much as in 2009. And that is not a meagre sum!
Another analyst, Steve Koenig, counts on Asia and South America, whose development carries good news, to strengthen the market.
2010 will be the first year during which the Pacific-Asia market will be as important as that of North America and Western Europe combined (36%). For comparison's sake, in 2008, North America and Europe shared 40% of the market, whereas Pacific-Asia shared 30% of it.
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(Translated from French by NM)
Original French article
Economic Rebound in Electronics
Job market -
19 April 2010