Older than you may imagine, yet young among the sciences, electronics were born in 1904, with the invention, by John Ambrose Fleming, of the vacuum tube. What are electronics exactly? Formally, electronics are a branch of applied physics whose subject is low electric current devices and the circulation of electrons in them, hence the name of this science.
Nowadays, nothing would be done without electronics: your computer would be unusable, Internet wouldn't exist, and a good number of the objects you use daily could not have been invented.
For this reason, electronicians are present everywhere. Televisions, stereos, computers, they all belong to the sphere of activity of the electronician. Likewise, the automobile and aeronautical industry greatly need electronicians, as well as the medical world (for scanners, prosthetic ears, and other devices).
One must add to this that electronics are a sector in permanent evolution, and whose expansion goes steady in spite of the economic crisis. Indeed, the world of electronics recruit. The reader might like to know that 60% of the people in electronics are engineers and technicians, whereas only 27% are workers. It is sometimes difficult to find an electronician who can build and/or install material. Heed it well if you're interested!
Electronics are, and shall remain, an important job for the future and a fundamental one for our present.
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(Translated from French by NM)
Original French article
Job market -
15 April 2010