RSS Hôpital du Valais

Job offers at Hôpital du Valais

Logo Hôpital du Valais
Av. du Grand Champsec 86
1951 SION
Contact: Ressources Humaines
+41 27 603 67 00
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Presentation of Hôpital du Valais

Sector: Medicine, Social, Treatment, Psychology

Company size: more than 200 employees

Premier employeur du canton du Valais, avec près de 5000 salariés, l’Hôpital du Valais offre des opportunités d’emploi intéressantes pour les professionnels de la santé.


Sur ses 8 sites (Martigny, Sion, Sierre, Montana, Saint-Maurice, Monthey, Brigue et Viège), organisés en département médicaux spécialisés, quelque 270 métiers sont disponibles dans les soins aigus, la réadaptions, la gériatrie, la psychiatrie, l’administration ou la logistique.


350 médecins assistants et chefs de clinique, et 800 soignants et infirmiers sont formés à l’Hôpital du Valais chaque année. Les possibilités d’évolution de carrière sont donc nombreuses et des cours de langues sont proposés pour augmenter les compétences des employés. Un poste dans cet établissement à taille humaine permet aussi de bénéficier d’un salaire intéressant, de prestations sociales avantageuses et de 5 ou 6 semaines de vacances.


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Vacancies at Hôpital du Valais

Title Category Place Ref Date
Verantwortliche/n Materiovigilance HVS 80 % Mgmt assistance, Secretary, Reception SION Ref. 228386 9 Jun 2023
Responsable Matériovigilance HVS à 80% Mgmt assistance, Secretary, Reception SION Ref. 228385 9 Jun 2023
Médecin hospitalier spécialiste en maladies cérébrovasculaires pour le service de Neurologie à 100% Medical Doctor, Assistant, Radiology, Surgery SION Ref. 228363 7 Jun 2023
Juriste à 80% - 100% Management , administration, Manager, Team Leader, Sale SION Ref. 228358 5 Jun 2023
Médecin adjoint-e du service de pédiatrie à 90% Medical Doctor, Assistant, Radiology, Surgery SION Ref. 228355 31 May 2023
Oberärztin/-arzt 80-100%, Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie Medical Doctor, Assistant, Radiology, Surgery BRIG Ref. 228353 30 May 2023
System Engineer à 100% Software Development, Programme Analyst SION Ref. 228178 25 May 2023
System Engineer à 100% Software Development, Programme Analyst SION Ref. 228177 25 May 2023
Médecin adjoint-e entre 50-80% pour son service de psychiatrie et psychothérapie ambulatoire Medical Doctor, Assistant, Radiology, Surgery SIERRE Ref. 228082 17 May 2023
Fachärztin/-arzt Senologie 60-100%, Frau-Kind Medical Doctor, Assistant, Radiology, Surgery VISP Ref. 228081 16 May 2023
Praxisausbildner/in 100%, IPS Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife VISP Ref. 228175 16 May 2023
Stagiaire en communication à 100% Management , administration, Manager, Team Leader, Sale SION Ref. 227988 9 May 2023
Fachfrau/-mann Gesundheit oder Pflegefachperson mit Zusatzfunktion Berufsbildner/in 60-90%, Geriatri Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife BRIG Ref. 228023 5 May 2023
Fachfrau/-mann Gesundheit oder Pflegefachperson mit Zusatzfunktion Berufsbildner/in 80-100%, Innere Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife VISP Ref. 227952 5 May 2023
Fachfrau/-mann Gesundheit oder Pflegefachperson mit Zusatzfunktion Berufsbildner/in 60-90%, Geriatri Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife BRIG Ref. 227950 5 May 2023
Oberärztin/-arzt 50-100%, Frau-Kind Medical Doctor, Assistant, Radiology, Surgery VISP Ref. 227927 4 May 2023
Physiotherapeut/in 60-80% Occupational therapist, Physiotherapist, Radiology technician VISP Ref. 227987 4 May 2023
Chef-fe de clinique (adjoint-e) à 100 % en cardiologie non invasive du 1er novembre 2023 au 31 octob Medical Doctor, Assistant, Radiology, Surgery SION Ref. 227918 3 May 2023
Pflegefachperson 60-90%, Geriatrie 4 West Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife BRIG Ref. 227894 27 Apr 2023
Pflegefachperson 60-90%, Geriatrie 4 Süd Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife BRIG Ref. 227893 27 Apr 2023
Fachfrau/-mann Gesundheit 50-90%, Geriatrie 4 West Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife BRIG Ref. 227892 27 Apr 2023
Fachfrau/-mann Gesundheit 50-90%, Geriatrie 4 Süd Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife BRIG Ref. 227891 27 Apr 2023
Chef-fe de clinique ou chef-fe de clinique adjoint-e à 80-100% pour l’unité de psychiatrie et psycho Medical Doctor, Assistant, Radiology, Surgery SION Ref. 227745 14 Apr 2023
Ausbildungsplatz Master of Science in Nursing (cand. MScN) 60-80%, Innere Medizin Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife VISP Ref. 227592 28 Mar 2023
Fachfrau/-mann Gesundheit 50-100%, Innere Medizin 3 Ost Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife VISP Ref. 227558 22 Mar 2023
Fachfrau/-mann Gesundheit 20-100%, Chirurgie 5. Stock Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife VISP Ref. 227272 17 Feb 2023
Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) 80-100%, Frau-Kind Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife VISP Ref. 227265 10 Feb 2023
Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) 100%, Chirurgie Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife VISP Ref. 227264 10 Feb 2023
Médecin adjoint-e spécialiste en gynécologie et obstétrique de 50 à 80 % Medical Doctor, Assistant, Radiology, Surgery SION Ref. 227209 10 Feb 2023
Pflegefachperson 20-100%, Chirurgie 5. Stock Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife VISP Ref. 227207 10 Feb 2023
Fachperson Operationstechnik 20-100%, POE Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife BRIG Ref. 227193 8 Feb 2023
IT-Supporter/in 80% - 100% Software Development, Programme Analyst SION Ref. 227129 19 Jan 2023
Informaticien-ne Support 80% - 100% Software Development, Programme Analyst SION Ref. 227128 19 Jan 2023
Experte/in Anästhesiepflege 40-100% Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife VISP Ref. 227080 15 Dec 2022
Oberärztin/-arzt 80-100%, Alterspsychiatrie Medical Doctor, Assistant, Radiology, Surgery BRIG Ref. 227076 9 Dec 2022
Radiologiefachperson 80-100% Chemist, Biologist, Biotechnology, Engineering BRIG Ref. 227055 9 Dec 2022
Fachfrau/-mann Gesundheit 80-100%, Chirurgie 6 Mitte Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife VISP Ref. 227056 9 Dec 2022
Pflegefachperson 40-100%, Innere Medizin 3 Ost Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife VISP Ref. 227058 9 Dec 2022
Ausbildungsplätze 2023 Management , administration, Manager, Team Leader, Sale BRIG Ref. 227061 9 Dec 2022
Pflegefachperson 80-100%, Akutpsychiatrie Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife BRIG Ref. 227064 9 Dec 2022
Oberärztin/-arzt / Stv. Oberärztin/-arzt 50-100%, Notfallmedizin Medical Doctor, Assistant, Radiology, Surgery VISP Ref. 227067 9 Dec 2022
Assistenzärztin/-arzt 50-100%, Gynäkologie/Geburtshilfe Medical Doctor, Assistant, Radiology, Surgery VISP Ref. 227069 9 Dec 2022
Pflegefachperson 40-100%, Private interdisziplinäre Lean-Bettenstation Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife VISP Ref. 227072 9 Dec 2022
Psychologische/r Psychotherapeut/in 80-100%, Alterspsychiatrie Psychology, Psychiatrics, Therapy, Pedagogy, Educational Therapist BRIG Ref. 227074 9 Dec 2022
Stv. Oberärztin/-arzt oder Oberärztin/-arzt 50-100%, Ambulatorium PZO Medical Doctor, Assistant, Radiology, Surgery BRIG Ref. 227075 9 Dec 2022
Pflegefachperson 70-100%, Innere Medizin 3 West Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife VISP Ref. 227051 7 Dec 2022
Fachfrau/-mann Gesundheit 80-100%, Akutpsychiatrie Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife BRIG Ref. 227048 7 Dec 2022
Experte/in Intensivpflege 100% Nurse, Assistant nurse, Care assistant, Medical assistant, Midwife VISP Ref. 227045 7 Dec 2022
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